Articles & Coverage:
This page is updated regularly as new information is released. Newest items are listed first. Please contact us at
[email protected] if a case study or article is not available on line, or if you have any further questions.
“New Technology Could End The Debate Over Pipeline Safety
From the
Aug 2014
edition of OilPrice.com
FOX-TEK Pinpoint System:
Precision, Remote
Monitoring and Reduced
Reprinted with revisions to format, from the
July/Aug 2007
edition of Energy
Processing Magazine
“Fiber-Optic Sensors For Monitoring Pipe Bending Due To Ground Movement”
S. Cauchi, T. Cherpillod, D. Morison, E. McClarty
Reprinted with revisions to format, from the January 2007 edition of Pipeline & Gas Journal
“Mideast Site Tests Fiber-Optic Corrosion Monitoring System”
I.M. Al-Taie, F.H. Al-Musalami, B.F. Al-Daajani, A.Al-Bakhat, W.D. Morison, T. Cherpillod
Reprinted with revisions to format, from the January 1, 2007 edition of OIL & GAS JOURNAL
Copyright 2007 by PennWell Corporation |
“Sensor System Monitors Corrosion Damage”
W.D. Morison
Reprinted from the September 2006 edition of Materials Performance
“Wall Loss Monitoring Using FT Sensors on a 20"x12" Concentric Reducer”
W.D. Morison
FOX-TEK Report TN2006-001
“Fiber-Optic Monitoring Focuses on Bending, Corrosion”
R.C. Tennyson, W.D. Morison, T. Miesner
Reprinted with revisions to format, from the February 20, 2006 edition of OIL & GAS JOURNAL
Copyright 2006 by PennWell Corporation |
Interview: Essam Zaghloul, Chief Executive
Officer of FOX-TEK
Jan 2008
Interview: Essam Zaghloul, Chief Executive
Officer of FOX-TEK
August 2007
Monitoring Infrastructure and Critical Asset
AO Radio
August 2007
Aging infrastructure at heart of Minnesota
CNET News.com
July 2007
Webcast of Special Meeting of Shareholders - January 23, 2007
The Newswire.ca
January 2007
CenterPoint Energy Evaluates FOX-TEK Natural Gas Pipeline Corrosion Monitor
December 2006 edition of Oilweek Magazine
Copyright 2006 by JuneWarren Publishing Ltd. |
Newswire Radio Interview with FOX-TEK
“ABOUT TheNewswire.ca”
“Welcome to TheNewswire.ca”
December 2006
Sensing Opportunity: FOX-TEK (Ontario Centres of Excellence Success Story)
Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) is the pre-eminent research-to-commercialization vehicle in Ontario. OCE facilitates economic growth through support for industrially relevant R&D, the opening of new market opportunities and the commercialization of leading edge discovery.
November 2006